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Pentagram Project - Filling the gap between research and practice


Ethical Decision ― 倫理的決定 ―






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Ethical Decision

Vol. 6

If a product is found to be defective or it causes an accident, the company, as well as the product, will lose its trust. Examining influencing factors on consumer’s purchase intentions after a product caused harm, Vassilikopoulou et al. (2009) proposed appropriate responses that a company should make, depending on the seriousness of the casualties.

Even in case of severe injuries or deaths, consumers tend to forget such incidents after a few months. Consequently, their purchase intensions will be improved. Even so the company should not leave the accident alone. Efforts such as an immediate recall, providing an explanation of the defective product, offering the alternative goods free, and/or discounts will minimize the damage.

For medium-extent accident, these responses are also the most effective and should be made immediately.

If the accident is insignificant and no injuries or deaths are reported, building an image as a socially responsible company will prevent the consumer’s purchase intentions from decreasing. Also, media coverage influences perception by the customers. Therefore, the spokesperson should be able to give the account of the firm’s duty clearly.

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Writer/Chair: Katsushi Yamaguchi
Katsushi Yamaguchi is a Research Associate at WBS Research Center, Waseda University. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at the Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University. His areas of research are business ethics, global business management, and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

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