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Pentagram Project - Filling the gap between research and practice


Communication ― コミュニケーション ―






ペンタグラム プロジェクトトップへ戻る


プロフィール:早稲田大学大学院 商学研究科博士後期課程に在籍。研究分野は、組織コミュニケーション、リーダーシップ、組織行動。



Vol. 1

“Communication is a very important factor for a top management.”  This statement is agreeable by the most of top managements.  Leaders must manage internal and external communications effectively for their day-by-day operations.

However, their sensitivity to the way of communication may differ each other and such difference will affect company performance.

Traditionally, a good custom called “Nominication”, communication through drinking has been a typical way of internal communication in Japanese company.  Recent social changes in Japan diversify human values including such a good custom and difficulties in communication emerge in Japanese leaders.

The importance of internal communication or organizational communication for a top management and its effective practices will be introduced from the next issue.

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Writer/Chair: Mitsutoshi Furuya
Mitsutoshi Furuya is a Ph.D. candidate at the Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University. His areas of research are organizational communication, leadership and organizational behavior.

*There is no relation between the photo and the text.